Saturday, September 12, 2009

Consuming Turmeric Can Prevent Alzheimer

Alzheimer's disease is a type of senile diseases common to humans who began entering old age (the elderly). Naturally, dementia is common to every man because the physical condition of the brain decreases. But the arrival of Alzheimer can be slowed by consuming vitamin, intensive treatment for Alzheimer and turmeric in curry spice. Turmeric as an ingredient of curry spice widely used in many recipes can be felt to maintain the quality of brain aging. One evidence is the elderly who are in Asian countries still have a good memory in old age because they are diligent eating curry spices.

Results of research Dr. Tze-Pin Ng from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1010 elderly aged 60 to 93 in 2003, showed that old people who routinely consume curry spice has a better memory than those who rarely or never at all. This will probably make us curious and want to know.

Apparently the secret lies in the yellow dyes (curcumin) contained in the rhizome of turmeric is used in making the curry spice. Curcumin in turmeric has a very important function in treating various types of diseases because these compounds can act as anti-tumor promoter, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-virus. In addition to the turmeric curcumin it also plays a role in improving the immune system.

Turmeric powder material to be used as spices curry dish can be made from the tubers of dried saffron. In terms of simplicity, tubers that have been sliced and dried, it's easier to be milled flour. In consumer countries like the United States and England, turmeric powder is used directly as a spice in food coloring, and manufacturing raw materials oleoresin. In India, turmeric powder is one of the basic materials for the manufacture of curry spices (curry powder) which is a homogeneous mixture of different types of turmeric powder.

With curry spices consumed regularly, can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease can cause total senile because the physical condition of the brain that continues to decline. But make no mistake, the excessive use of any of the elderly can cause stomach pain effects, liver or kidney disorders. From the conclusions the researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology Edition 1 November 2006, states that the curry spice is a potential to prevent Alzheimer's because the views of its efficacy and non-toxic. The results of this study are the first evidence showing the relationship between curry consumption with brain cognitive abilities.

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