Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Early Detection of Breast Cancer and Prevent Breast Cancer?

To normal women, the American Cancer Society recommends that women above 20 years old to do breast self-examination every three months, the age of 35 - 40 years to do mammogram, above 40 years old check up on doctors experts, more than 50 years old check-up breast cancer mammogram detection routinely, every year, and for women of high risk inspections to the doctor.

There is no way to prevent the absolute, but healthy lifestyles and avoid stress is a means to prevent the spread of cancer cells and extend life expectancy. Many consume vegetables and fruits, especially that contain vitamin C, also avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Some research indicates consumption of fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of breast cancer. The food from plants rich with antioxidant nutrients that prevent damage to cells that can cause cancer. Try to consume at least 5 portions of fruit or vegetables per day.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Soy Bean Cake: Rich of Protein and Prevents Anemia

Soy bean cake is processed soybeans with the fermentation process. Soy bean cake has very high protein content. Consuming soy bean cake has many benefits, such as to prevent anemia. Vitamin B12 is usually found in food of animal, but soy bean cake contains high vitamin B12. The content of vitamin B12 in soy bean cake is around 1.5-6.3 per 100 g dry soy bean cake. In the body, vitamin B12 can help the formation of red blood cells, therefore consuming soy bean cake can prevent anemia. Here are the signs of anemia.

Rich of Antioxidant
Not only vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants, in soy bean cake also contains antioxidant substances in the form of isoflavon. This Isovlafon is the antioxidant substances that can prevent and stop the formation of free radicals causing cancer. Research conducted by the University of North Carolina in the United States, showed that the phytoestrogen and genestein in soy bean cake can prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer. Free radicals are one atom or more electrons, which is not a pair. Atom is highly reactive and can cause cancer. Free radicals enter in the body with various ways such as from food until air pollution. With the antioxidants in the body, the formation of free radicals can be prevented.
In addition to antioxidants, soy bean cake is also rich in fiber, the content of fiber in soy bean cake is around 8-10 percent per 100 g. The high fiber contained in soy bean cake can accelerate the process of digestion. Fiber can also prevent the formation of colon cancer and channel digested.

Nutrition content of soy bean cake and soybean/100 g Dry Material:


Protein, 46.2 g
19.1 g fat
28.2 g carbohydrate
254 mg calcium
11 mg of iron
781 mg of phosphorus
0:48 mg of vitamin B1
0.2 mg of vitamin B12

Soy bean cake:
Protein, 46.5 g
19.7 g fat
30.2 g carbohydrate
347 mg calcium
Iron 9 mg
Fosfor724 mg
0.28 mg vitamin B1
3.9 mg of vitamin B12

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Osteoporosis Diagnosis

Bone is a very vital organ for humans. Besides as a buffer body, the bone also protects vital organs such as the human liver, heart, kidney, lung and others. To be able to maintain its function, so bones always regenerate through the process of demolition and create matrices bones.
When the system the run is not balanced so will be a bone porous process known as osteoporosis. To know whether a person suffering from osteoporosis or not, can be done with the measurement of bone density or (Bone Mineral Density).
BMD examination useful to know the current bone density, but can not know of any interference regenerating bone that can trigger the occurrence of osteoporosis. The only way that can be used to know the activity of bone cells regenerating such as destruction and activities bone creating is the laboratory examination and the N-CTx Mid Osteocalsin. If there are inconsistencies in both value indicates regenerating bone interfere and the risk of osteoporosis. Besides that, the second examination is useful for monitoring treatment of osteoporosis.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Diets for Preventing Cancer: Some to Do and Some to Avoid

Controlling diet is important in preventing cancer and during cancer treatment. Why? Because cancer is degenerative disease like diabetes and stroke. Therefore, we must control meal habitual or diet to prevent cancer disease.

When we are doing diet, there are foods which should be avoided such as food that can cause allergy, vegetable like tauge, cabbage, and chili, fruits like longan, jackfruit, pineapple, grape. Drinking ice, alcohol, soft drink (carcinogen), coffee, chocolate, milk, seafood like lobster, shells, crab, meal like goat, cow, buffalo, pig, and duck also should be avoided.
Beside foods and drinking which should be avoided, there are foods and drinking that are suggested to consume. Those foods are suggested because containing substance needed to kill cancer cell, prevent cancer spread, prevent happened cancer cell, prevent good cell to become cancer cell, or to replace cancer cell by good cell again.

Foods and drinks which are suggested to consume like greens vegetable: broccoli, mustard green, lettuce, water lettuce, onion leaf and bright vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, potato etc. Fruits vegetable: tomato, eggplant, cucumber, peanuts, corn, etc. Fruits: apple, papaya, tomato, mango, etc.
And also It's suggested to use distillated water for cooking any food.

Cooking method and how to handle the food are also important. It is better to consume fresh food. It’s advisable that 80% of food we consume should be in fresh condition especially fruit and vegetable. Cancer sufferers are suggested to drink 1 kg of fruit juice and vegetable everyday. This will increase antioxidant and body enzymes to kill cancer. And for serving food, it’s better to use dining tools made of stainless steel, ceramics, or glass. Don’t use dining tools made of aluminum, Teflon, or plastic.

Label: vitamins for cancer, nutrition for breast cancer, breast cancer diet, prevention cancer, breast cancer treatment, pancreatic cancer cure, treatments for breast cancer, cancer diet, cancer treatment

Breast Cancer and How to Prevent It

Breast Cancer is a malignant which is the growth is in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the mammary gland, breast tissue, and fats tissue in breast. There are some of risk factors that cause a woman suffering breast cancer such as:
- Ages, estimated 60% breast cancer attack adults more than 60 years old, the biggest risk found at women at the age of more than 75 years years.
- Ever suffer breast cancer. - Background of family sufferer breast cancer.
Women whose mother, sisters, or her child suffer cancer, has risk by 300% more to suffer breast cancer.
- Genetic factor and hormonal.
- Ever suffer disease breast non cancer. - Menarke(first menstruation) before 12 years old, menopause after 55 years old, first pregnant after 30 years old or never pregnant. - Obesity after menopause.
- User alcohol.
- DES (dietilstilbestrol).
Women who consume DES can cause breast cancer.
Preventive Action
There are many factors that can’t be controlled. Some of diet experts and cancer experts believe that by changing diet and lifestyle generally can decrease cancer risk. Advisable, do early diagnosis because the breast cancer is easier be made well if still early stadium. Controlled breast with clinical and mammography as procedure filtering are 3 instruments to detect cancer earlier.